<![CDATA[POP. POUR. SIP. ® - Blog]]>Fri, 02 Aug 2024 06:11:21 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[August 26th, 2023]]>Sat, 26 Aug 2023 06:04:06 GMThttp://poppoursip.com/poppoursip_blog/test-signskeeping-my-wordTest Signs/Keeping My Word
When I first had the idea of meming/"branding" the phrase  "You're Not Ni**as", I visualized it on boards seen throughout the area I stay in, mainly within the most troubled and disregarded places where non-white people reside.  Sometime later, I finally got paid from a very horrendous situation, and though I really needed the money for other expenses, I went ahead and got the signs produced, then took my time trekking around, placing them carefully as to not impede walking or whatever else I could think of being a reason to uproot them. 

I hoped the designs and messages would create thoughts of the causes of THE word, and also hoped to lift someone needing to be told he or she or others adjacent to are not ni**as despite everything.  Sadly, the signs were uprooted in less than two weeks:  the green and gold sign under the tree–gone the next day... pink and blue against the gate–same... 2nd green & gold moved–last to be removed...pink & blue under tree–about 10 days...white sign–same.  It did make me sad!  I thought I wasted my money (really did need it for expenses) but I promised myself I would complete the task because we need this.  There is another strategy!  I am going to make this a THING.  Just a matter of time–but the sign removals beg the question: Who wants Black people to keep thinking they are ni**as? 
Could be anybody: /

